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HCDI Projects

All HCDI projects focus on empowering people and building their capacity, using participatory, consultative, and sustainable practices and processes.

HCDI believes in the value of collaboration. We love working together with other people and organisations, building synergetic relations and optimizing both human and other resources 

All HCDI community-based projects have a grassroots foundation, encourage the identification and further development of existing capacity, and promote self-sufficiency, self-reliance and community growth and consolidation.

In order to promote learning and accountability, all our projects include systematic assessment - needs assessment, process assessment, and short and long term impact assessment – to promote learning and accountability.

All projects are designed to operate an a minimal cost basis, combining HCDI resources with support and resources from other local, national and international sources.


Our projects include education and training, meetings and events, CDCCC training,  economic empowerment (Happy Chicken, Sewing Projects, SED), Women's Rights and Capacity Development (Women's Capacity Development, 16 Days of Activism, Women's Peace Table), Humanitarian Relief and Support, and others. For more detail, take a look at our specific project pages.

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